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Our world is speeding up so rapidly that many of us find it difficult to keep us this pace, especially while maintaining our emotional, physical and spiritual health.  How we can stay balanced and healthy amid such a flood of information?  We are in a remarkable growth period where many of us are seeing that the best way to handle chaos is by being true to our passion and by being loving and compassionate.  To assist you in this regard, here are my favorite resources that I have collected over the years.  These have all been cornerstones in my own development and continue to be for my clients.  These are all the foundation of the world we do together.

Developing your natural strengths
Trust me on this one!  If you have ever wondered "what am I good at" or "what is the best career for me", this is IT.  After many years in Human Resources, I have tried every type of strength building methodology.  When you purchase this book you receive a unique code to take a quick test online.  The test results come back with your five top strengths and you will be astonished by the accuracy.  Strength-based leadership is brilliant, allowing you the freedom to stop trying to do what you are not good at, and only do what you easily do naturally.  Sometimes we downplay our strengths because we assume everyone is good at that.  Own your power by knowing your strengths.  

The Enneagram 
A 9-point personality typing system assisting you to see what your Ego's mask looks like and what it looks like when you are simply being your true Self "Essence".  " One of the most profound ways of understanding the Levels is as ameasure of our capacity to be present. "The more identified we are with our ego and its increasingly negative and restrictive patterns, our personality becomes more defensive, reactive, and automatic— and we consequently have less and less real freedom and less real consciousness. By contrast, the movement toward health is simultaneous with being more present and awake in our minds, hearts, and bodies. As we become more present, we become more attuned and open to ourselves and our environment. We see our personality objectively in action rather than "falling asleep" to our automatic personality patterns. We discover that we are freer and less driven by compulsive, unconscious drives and therefore able to act more effectively in all areas of our lives, including in our relationships. When we are less identified with our personality, we find that we respond as needed to whatever life presents, actualizing the positive potentials in all nine types, bringing real peace, creativity, strength, joy, compassion, and other positive qualities to whatever we are doing."  Enneagram Institute

Best book on the market:  The Wisdom of the Enneagram by Riso/Hudson

Landmark Education

Introductory course - The Forum.  Take three precious days to review your life and "complete" all that has come before you.  See the path along with you cut off pieces of yourself and made decisions to not every do xyz again.  You come out on the other side of the weekend having perhaps some of the most valuable breakthroughs and transformations in your life.  Expect the unexpected as you won't believe what you uncover.  You emerge a cleanse slate, with the power to fully create any possibility you desire. http://www.landmarkeducation.com/landmark_forum.jsp

Health and Well-Being
There is such an overwhelming amount of conflicting information regarding nutrition today.  Jon Douilliard (Aryuvedic practitioner) maintains a very simple approach to eating with the seasons, following your body rhythms and supporting your body's natural life force.  The Three Season Diet by Jon Douilliard